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1171-1180 件目

Hotel Giant 2 【全ジャンル】

Hotel Giant 2:PC全ジャンル[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's a playable demo of Hotel Giant 2, the hotel management/life sim from Enlight Interactive.

A gripping life simulation with more than 800 different animations: watch your guests live and evolve freely in your hotels, wherever they are… and whatever they’re doing!

Enlight has released a demo for Hotel Giant ......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-12-10

StuntMANIA!pro 【全ジャンル】

StuntMANIA!pro:PC全ジャンル[Official Site]:ダウンロードページへ
・Fixed StuntMANIApro logo not appearing on main menu screen
・Fixed Teleport and Powerup spawn position below ground in Sand Box level
・Added many more customisable keys into the Keyboard Input Manager
・Many speed optimisations for lower spec machines

Here's the playable Windows demo of StuntMANIA (StuntMANIA!jnr), the fast-paced 3D car st......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-12-03

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals 【全ジャンル】

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals:PC全ジャンルpoint-and-click adventure game

Here's a playable demo for the adventure game Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals (PC), inspired by the rich futuristic universe created by famed graphic novelist Enki Bilal.

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals opens in the Paris of 2023, now ruled by a power-hungry dictator, a place where the fascist rich an......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-12-03

Pyroblazer 【全ジャンル】


Here's a playable demo of Pyroblazer, a futuristic combat racing game by Eipix Entertainment.

amidst the awe-inspiring locations of New Apeiron, players get the opportunity to race through a multitude of ......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-12-03

エターナルナイツ2: 封印の聖石 (Eternal Knights 2) 【全ジャンル】

エターナルナイツ2: 封印の聖石 (Eternal Knights 2):PC全ジャンル「エターナルナイツ2: 封印の聖石」は、ダンジョン探索型シミュレーションRPG。

「エターナルナイツ2: 封印の聖石」公式サイトへ...詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-12-03

Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity 【全ジャンル】

Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity:PC全ジャンル[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Deep Silver released this playable PC demo of Professor Heinz Wolff’s Gravity, a challenging puzzle game for players of all ages.

Deep Silver has released a demo for Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity. The demo contains a tutorial, as well as five attractive levels with varied degrees of difficulty and gorgeous, hand-painted backgrounds.

更新日: 2008-11-25

Red Alert 3 【全ジャンル】

Red Alert 3:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
「Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。ソ連の栄光を取り戻そうと画策した人物が過去に戻り歴史を改変し,その結果,強大な力を持つこととなったソ連,Empire of the Rising Sun,そしてAlliesという三大勢力が争うRTSだ。デモ版には,2本のミッションだけでなく,シリーズでお馴染みの実写ムービーもたっぷり収録されている。

Here's a playable demo of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, EA's new C&C sci-fi RTS.

The single-player demo includes t......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-11-25

Zombie Shooter 2 【全ジャンル】

Zombie Shooter 2:PC全ジャンル[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
To brighten up your wait for Zombie Shooter 2, which is coming out in early 2009, Sigma Team prepared this demo version/teaser of the new project.

The first game came out in late 2007 and immediately took leadership among the games featured on our site. In the sequel we strive to put all the best features of Zombie Shooter and Alien Shoo......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-11-25

Strong Bad Episode 4 【全ジャンル】

Strong Bad Episode 4:PC全ジャンル[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Telltale Games released this playable demo of Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective, the fourth episode of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.

Telltale Games has released a demo for Strong Bad Episode 4: Dangeresque 3.

Telltale Games has announced that Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective, a new episode o......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-11-25

A Vampyre Story 【全ジャンル】

A Vampyre Story:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
 ヴァンパイアにされてしまったオペラ歌手のタマゴ,Monaを主人公にしたアドベンチャー,「A Vampyre Story」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。ポイント&クリックスタイルのシンプルなアドベンチャーで,吸血鬼をテーマにしているものの,雰囲気はホラーというよりコミカル。妙に色っぽい主人公Monaもなんだか魅力的だ。

Here's a playable demo for A Vampyre Story, the PC adventure game from Bill Tiller and Autumn Moon Entertainment.

In the demo, Mona and Froderick are in ......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-11-25

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