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Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Remastered 【全ジャンル】

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Remastered:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
名探偵シャーロック・ホームズを主人公にしたアドベンチャーゲーム,「Sherloch Holmes: The Awakened」に三人称視点モードなどが追加され,「Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Remasterd Version」として,あらためて発売された。この新バージョンのデモ版を,4GamerにUpしたので,生まれ変わった本作を体験してみよう。

Focus Home Interactive and Frogwares released this brand new English-language demo for Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (Remastered Edition) which contains all of......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-17

Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena 【全ジャンル】

Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena:PC全ジャンル[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's a free trial of Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena, a Hidden Object and Puzzle-Solving Adventure game from MumboJumbo.

Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena takes players on an adventure through six exotic locations as the heroine Sam, archeologist, adventurer and curator for The Secrets Lost Museum. When Sam sets out ......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-17

Beauty Factory 【全ジャンル】

Beauty Factory:PC全ジャンル[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's a playable demo of Beauty Factory, City Interactive's business management simulation where you strive to become a cosmetics industry mogul.

Become the CEO of a beauty products company. Follow your intuition when selecting market offers and make appropriate economic decisions in order to develop your company into an impressive corporation......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-17

Project Aftermath 【全ジャンル】

Project Aftermath:PC全ジャンル[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's a playable demo of Project Aftermath, an Arcade RTS game where you command up to four squads of soldiers in exciting battles in a retro-futuristic world. It includes a Tutorial and an action-packed demo mission.

In the aftermath of a great war, when your enemy has wiped out everything you hold dear, the time has come to regroup and......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-17

Petank Party 【全ジャンル】

Petank Party:PC全ジャンル[ComputerGames.ro]:ダウンロードページへ
Universe's craziest Petanque video game lands on Earth!

Universe's craziest Petanque video game lands on Earth!

[Official Site]:ダウンロードページへ
based on the simple and addicting game of Petanque (a Bocce Ball cousin).
compete with up to 6 other players in 2 teams (singles, doublette, triplette).
'Pure Petanque' mode uses official rules......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-17

Quantum of Solace: The Game 【全ジャンル】

Quantum of Solace: The Game:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
「James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace」のデモ版を,4GamerにUpした。本作は,世界一有名なスパイ,007ことジェームズ・ボンドが活躍する映画シリーズ最新作「Quantum of Solace」(邦題 007/慰めの報酬)をフィーチャーしたアクションゲームだ。

Demo of the first/third person James Bond action game Quantum of Solace.

Here's a playable demo of Quantum of Solace: The Game, the new 1st/3rd-person action title based on ......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-07

Dynasty Warriors 6 【全ジャンル】

Dynasty Warriors 6:PC全ジャンル[ComputerGames.ro]:ダウンロードページへ
If you've downloaded Dynasty Warriors 6 English PC Demo, installed but couldn't play it, you have to take the DLL File "d3dx9_36.dll" from the zip file, and then put it into your game folder, the default one would be "C:\Program Files\Koei\DYNASTY WARRIORS 6 Playable Demo".

If you've downloaded Dynasty Warriors 6 English PC Demo, installed......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-06

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 【全ジャンル】

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
KONAMIの人気サッカーゲーム,「Pro Evolution Soccer 2009」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。日本では「WORLD SOCCER Winning Eleven 2009」というタイトル名で発売される予定のシリーズ最新作だ。進化したグラフィックスや選手のモーションなどを,その目で確かめよう。

In der Demo zu Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (PES 2009) werdet ihr eine funfminutige Partie mit ausgewahlten Club- und Nationalmannschaften bestreiten durfen.

Here's a ......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-06

King’s Bounty: The Legend 【全ジャンル】

King’s Bounty: The Legend:PC全ジャンル[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
The new features of the King's Bounty: The Legend demo include:
* New character classes: Demons, Orcs, Cyclops;
* The demo now works better on video cards below the recommended system requirements;
* Improved texts and translations.

The demo includes the first city in the game, all three character types, multiple quests and dozens of s......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-06

Pure 【全ジャンル】


Here's a playable demo of Pure, Black Rock Studio's off-road, quad racing game for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC that features aerial stunts. This PC demo includes a tutorial and will allow you to race three laps on the Italia......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-10-06

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