Red Alert 3

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1843 MB

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「Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。ソ連の栄光を取り戻そうと画策した人物が過去に戻り歴史を改変し,その結果,強大な力を持つこととなったソ連,Empire of the Rising Sun,そしてAlliesという三大勢力が争うRTSだ。デモ版には,2本のミッションだけでなく,シリーズでお馴染みの実写ムービーもたっぷり収録されている。

Here's a playable demo of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, EA's new C&C sci-fi RTS.

The single-player demo includes the entire 7-minute opening cinematic from the game, along with three of the game’s interactive tutorials and one campaign mission from both the Soviet and the Allied campaigns for a full-blown taste of Red Alert action.

The single-player demo includes the entire 7-minute opening cinematic from the game, along with three of the game’s interactive tutorials and one campaign mission from both the Soviet and the Allied campaigns for a full-blown taste of Red Alert action.

Get a Taste of this Year’s Blockbuster Strategy Game, this demo includes the game’s cinematic opening, three tutorials and two full campaign missions.

This demo for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 contains the game's opening cinematic, three tutorials and one mission from both the Soviet and the Allied campaigns.

Electronic Arts has released a single player demo for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, allowing you to try out the PC version of the latest RTS game developed by EA Los Angeles, Electronic Arts announced. Thanks: GameSpot. The single-player demo includes the entire 7-minute opening cinematic from the game.....

This single-player demo features the game's cinematic opening, one full campaign mission from both the Soviet and Allied campaigns, and an interactive tutorial. The full game features 3 full campaigns (all playable solo or co-op online), a skirmish mode pitting you against nine formidable commanders, and competitive online multiplayer.

The demo for EA's Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 has now been released. Download it now.

Red Alert 3 関連動画


ゲーム名: Red Alert 3




ゲームタイトル: Red Alert 3

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