
全ジャンルゲーム (全2165件)

871-880 件目

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom 【全ジャンル】

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
国家建設シムシリーズの最新作「The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。ファイルサイズはいささか大きめだが,そのぶん,たっぷり遊べるデモ版になっている。美しいグラフィックスで描かれる,あなただけの国を作り上げよう。さあ,働けみんな。

The Settlers 7 gives gamers the opportunity to choose the best way to lead their kingdom to victory, in a rich environment set in middle-Europe during the early Renaissance.

更新日: 2010-03-30

Future Wars 【全ジャンル】

Future Wars:PC全ジャンルSimilar to classic titles such as Advance Wars and Battle Isle, the game takes turn-based strategy gaming away from the micro-management overkill that it has become and using simple, proven rock-paper-scissors principles, reopens the genre to a wider audience.

SFをテーマにしたドイツ生まれのストラテジー,「Future Wars」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。ターン制で分かりやすいルールとアメコミタッチのグラフィックスという,ライト感覚いっぱいの一本で,ストラテジービギナーでも十分......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-20

Galaxia Chronicles 【全ジャンル】

Galaxia Chronicles:PC全ジャンルSTORY:

Maxx is your normal 8 year old boy. Growing up in an orphanage, he never knew who he really was. One night, Maxx mysteriously fell asleep in the beach near the orphanage. Waking up
in the middle of the night, Maxx decides to run home when he is abducted by strange aliens.

There he finds out part of who he is, and why he is very important to the future of the world.

But things don'......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-20

Din's Curse 【全ジャンル】

Din's Curse:PC全ジャンルDin, champion of the gods, has cursed you into a second life of service because you selfishly squandered your first one while causing misfortune to those around you. To redeem yourself, you must impress Din by building a reputation for helping others. Travel the spacious western plains of Aleria and save desperate towns from the brink of annihilation. Until you're redeemed, you're doomed to wander......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-20

Us And Them - Cold War 【全ジャンル】

Us And Them - Cold War:PC全ジャンル“Us And Them - Cold War” is a turn-based strategy game about cold war. Although it is a game of territorial expansion, the rivals do not attack their opponent using military force. Instead they are using an army of Spies, Assassins and Experts of various kinds (l`ike economy, technology etc.) in order to destabilize the enemy's countries socially, economically, politically and finally to change th......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-20

Tiny and Big 【全ジャンル】

Tiny and Big:PC全ジャンルSet in a land, where common physics apply but everything else looks different. You are Tiny, a little, technophile guy with a ray cutter, a gripping device, a bad habit, and a fine attitude towards the world. But now your nemesis Big stole the only heritage your grandpa left you: A fine pair of white, fine rib underpants, and he‘s surely up to no good. Why else should he climb that haunted, ancien......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-20

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 【全ジャンル】

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea:PC全ジャンルDive deep into the fantastic world of Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and experience an unforgettable hidden object adventure as you battle the dangers that lie in wait on the ocean floor!


[Official Site]:ダウンロードページへ...詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-20

Napoleon: Total War 【全ジャンル】

Napoleon: Total War:PC全ジャンルThe Napoleon: Total War demo will take you through the new and playable "War on Land" tutorial as well as the epic land Battle of Ligny, one of the many historical scenarios included in the full version of the game.

War on Land tutorial - Set during the Siege of Toulon, you will be given command of the French artillery battery. Aided by Napoleon's most trusted aide, you will learn the art of wa......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-12

Order of War: Challenge 【全ジャンル】

Order of War: Challenge:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
オンライン対戦に主眼を置いた第二次世界大戦RTS「Order of War: Challenge」のデモ版を,4GamerにUpした。本作のベースとなっている「Order of War」と同様,生産や技術開発といった要素は省かれており,世界中のプレイヤーを相手に,純粋に戦術を駆使して戦う楽しさが味わえる。



ORDER OF WAR: CHALLENGE is a multiplayer stand-alone add-on for ORDER OF WAR, packing even more intense World War II real-time strategy action. With 6 extended m......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-12

Just Cause 2 【全ジャンル】

Just Cause 2:PC全ジャンルThe Just Cause 2 demo features a massive 35 square miles of the Lautan Lama Desert, a vast expanse of stunning, sun-scorched scenery taking up just one of the many islands in the 400 square miles of the Panau archipelago. Packed with towns, villages, military installations, mountain ranges, missions and more, the demo will feature an astonishing amount of activities for the player... and opportuni......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-12

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