
全ジャンルゲーム (全2165件)

861-870 件目

Slip Space: The Burma-Shave Analogy 【全ジャンル】

Slip Space: The Burma-Shave Analogy:PC全ジャンル[Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's the demo for Slip Space: The Burma-Shave Analogy, a first-person sci-fi adventure game.

[Official Site]へ...詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-23

Full Ace world Tennis Simulator 【全ジャンル】

Full Ace world Tennis Simulator:PC全ジャンルComplete database with full player edition features
Including more than 200 players, 40 tournaments, 41 stadiums. All players are fully editable, and there is no limit on the number of players you can create.

[Official Site]へ...詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-10

mif2000's Hamlet 【全ジャンル】

mif2000's Hamlet:PC全ジャンルMayhem and hilarity ensue when a scientist travels back in time and gets mixed up with characters from William Shakespeare's play, Hamlet! Guide the man from the future as he embarks on a mind-bending mission to save Hamlet's girlfriend, Ophelia, from the clutches of the evil Claudius. Solve a variety of cunning point-and-click puzzles and advance from one sidesplitting scene to the next as you de......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-10

The Whispered World 【全ジャンル】

The Whispered World:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
 カートゥーン調のグラフィックスが特徴的なファンタジーアドベンチャー,「The Whispered World」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。開発はドイツのデベロッパDaedalic Entertainmentで,すでにヨーロッパでは発売されているが,2010年4月に北米地域でも発売されることになった一本だ。

Here's the playable demo of The Whispered World, the adventure game that meshes fairy-tale elements with melancholic undertones to create an epic fantasy story.

It ......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-10

Mount & Blade : Warband 【全ジャンル】

Mount & Blade : Warband:PC全ジャンル[Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's the unlockable free trial of Mount & Blade: Warband, Taleworlds' medieval combat/kingdom-building sandbox game.

Mount & Blade: Warband includes improved strategic AI, extended diplomatic options, state-of the-art rendering technologies, including the addition of High Dynamic Range (HDR), as well as the ability for 32 players to play on a......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-10

netKar PRO 【全ジャンル】

netKar PRO:PC全ジャンル[Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's the free, unlockable trial of netKar PRO, a PC-based racing car simulator with realistic physics.

This version introduces a new auto-update feature and the new track editor, that will allow to convert 3dsmax tracks in the nko format.

This is the latest demo of netKar PRO, and includes a new auto-update fe......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-10

Deep Blue Sea 2 【全ジャンル】

Deep Blue Sea 2:PC全ジャンルDeep Blue Sea 2 - Treasure, Adventure and Underwater Fun!Explore the exotic Island Area, dive for treasure and uncover the mystery of Avalonia in this amazingly deep Match-3 and Hidden Object game.

[Official Site]...詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-10

Scourge of War: Gettysburg 【全ジャンル】

Scourge of War: Gettysburg:PC全ジャンル[Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Welcome to Scourge of War: Gettysburg, a real-time 3D Civil War computer game developed by NorbSoftDev. Scourge of War: Gettysburg is the next generation of Civil War combat command simulations.

This is the playable demo for Scourge of War: Gettysburg, a real-time 3D Civil War game developed for PC, and includes one single-player and one multip......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-10

Ironclads: Schleswig War 1864 【全ジャンル】

Ironclads: Schleswig War 1864:PC全ジャンル[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
デンマークとプロイセンが小さな公国の領有をめぐって戦った,シュレースヴィヒ=ホルシュタイン戦争がテーマ,というだけでちょっと珍しいが,さらにその戦争の海戦部分だけをピックアップしたという,かなり通好みの「Ironclads: Schleswig War 1864」のデモ版が登場だ。

Here's the playable demo of Ironclads: Schleswig War 1864, a steam-ship period tactical naval simulator focusing on fleet-scale battles in real time

Ironclads: Schleswig War ......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-03-30

Handball Challenge Trainingcamp 【全ジャンル】

Handball Challenge Trainingcamp:PC全ジャンル[Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
This "training camp" offers mini-games that will prepare you for the 2011 release of Handball Challenge, Neutron Games' handball videogame for PC and consoles.

The point of Handball Challenge is not only to place the ball in the opposing goal.

更新日: 2010-03-30

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