
アクションゲーム (全808件)

471-480 件目

The Suffering 【アクション】

The Suffering:PCアクション[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
The Suffering redefines terror with a chilling look into a penitentiary haunted by tortured apparitions; the ghosts of executed prisoners emerge from the shadows of the gas chamber, or are glimpsed in the flash from a bare electric wire. Horror surrounds you.

Unleashing the horror throughout nine levels, The Suffering features dynamic lig......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-09-26

Tank Universal 【アクション】

Tank Universal:PCアクション[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
The demo features three intense tank combat levels from the game. After you’ve jacked into the virtual world of Tank Universal, you will be given all of the necessary information to understand why you’re fighting and all of the practical training to make certain you can control your tank.

In the next level you’ll be able to put all of that training in to practice in a......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-09-02

Strange Attractors 2 【アクション】

Strange Attractors 2:PCアクション[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Strange Attractors 2 is an amazing evolution from its predecessor, which was developed in a single month to showcase the potential of elegant, accessible controls in a one-switch game. The first incarnation of the game received widespread recognition for its innovative controls and entertaining game play, inspiring the creators to enhance the design and structure to creat......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-09-02

American McGee’s Grimm 【アクション】

American McGee’s Grimm:PCアクション[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
グリム童話をベースにしたアクションアドベンチャーゲーム「American McGee’s Grimm」の配信が「GameTap」でスタートした。本作はエピソードごとに販売されているが,その第1エピソードである「A Boy learns What Fear Is」は無料で配信されている。美しい世界を汚し尽くすという,独特なコンセプトのゲームを体験しよう...詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-08-05

Legend Hand of God 【アクション】

Legend Hand of God:PCアクション[atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
The demo offers a first look inside the world of the game, especially at the story about the mystical amulet with the name "Hand of God". This demo contains all items and skills of the game and enables a free choice of all talent paths. It is up to you to defeat lively goblins and colossal trolls and to then see, how the Cinematic Combat System works.

更新日: 2008-07-30

Space Siege 【アクション】

Space Siege:PCアクション[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Gas Powered Gamesの最新作「Space Siege」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。本作は,絶滅の危機にさらされた人類を守るため,エイリアンに立ち向かうアクションRPGで,「マイクロソフト ダンジョン シージ」の精神的な続編といわれている。次から次へと現われるエイリアンを片っ端から撃ちまくり,人類を滅亡の危機から救うのだ。


Try this demo for Space Siege, the sci-fi action/RPG from Gas Powered games, creators of Supreme Commander and Dungeon Siege.

更新日: 2008-07-30

Time of War 【アクション】

Time of War:PCアクション[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
三人称視点のアクションシューティング,「Time of War」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。プレイヤーは兵士のSean Harmmorとなって,戦争を食い止めるために単身で戦いを挑む。出てくる敵を撃ちまくりながらひたすら進んでいくだけという,シンプルで分かりやすいゲームだ。

Here's a playable demo of Oniric Games' Time of War, a modern day isometric shooter featuring addictive old school gameplay. This demo includes two playable levels from the full game.

Time of War brings ba......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-07-30

Garden Defense 【アクション】

Garden Defense:PCアクション[gamershell]:ダウンロードページへ
Do you have the nerves to withstand an onslaught of ferocious fruit flies, aggressive ants, and slimy slugs? Can you plant a spitting sunflower without losing an eye? Do you have the right screwdriver to attach a rocket launcher to a garden gnome? Then join the battle, and master Garden Defense! Help the Smiths save their flowers by using an arsenal of lawn ornaments, plan......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-07-23

Ranch Rush 【アクション】

Ranch Rush:PCアクション[gamershell]:ダウンロードページへ
Rule the roost and reap the rewards in Ranch Rush! Harvest fresh produce, collect honey from bees, gather eggs from ostriches, whip up ketchup from tomatoes, and much more! New challenges await you on every level, while speedy upgrades give you a boost when you need it most. Rack up trophies and watch your profits grow beyond your wildest expectations in this exciting race......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-07-23

The Tuttles Madcap Misadventures 【アクション】

The Tuttles Madcap Misadventures:PCアクションリンク:ダウンロードページへ
The Tuttles Madcap Misadventures: Starlight Starbright Charity Challenge is a hilarious arcade adventure game about a thoroughly modern family trying to bond on a road trip to see the Alamo. In addition to 40 engaging levels of side-scrolling action, players are treated to animated, comic book style cut scenes brought to life by the fantastic voice-over talents of some of Hollywood......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2008-07-23

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