Space Siege

3D アクション RPG
935 MB

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Gas Powered Gamesの最新作「Space Siege」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。本作は,絶滅の危機にさらされた人類を守るため,エイリアンに立ち向かうアクションRPGで,「マイクロソフト ダンジョン シージ」の精神的な続編といわれている。次から次へと現われるエイリアンを片っ端から撃ちまくり,人類を滅亡の危機から救うのだ。


Try this demo for Space Siege, the sci-fi action/RPG from Gas Powered games, creators of Supreme Commander and Dungeon Siege.

Space Siege puts players in the shoes of Seth Walker, a robotics specialist aboard the Armstrong - the only colony ship to survive a massive alien attack upon Earth. As the aliens descend, Walker must fend off the extraterrestrial threat using his wits and weapons. To help his cause, he can choose to augment his body with a variety of cybernetic upgrades, but with each mechanical improvement he becomes more machine than man and he can never return to being fully human. In this spectacular sci-fi adventure, players must decide how far they will go to save humanity!

During a massive alien attack on Earth, five colony ships attempt to evacuate as many people as possible. Only one of the five colony ships, the Armstrong, escapes intact before Earth is completely obliterated by the aliens. In Space Siege, you take on the role of Seth Walker, a combat engineer aboard the Armstrong. Your objective is to protect the human race from being annihilated by this unknown alien species. Ultimately, you must make a horrific choice: will you sacrifice your humanity to save the human race?....

Space Siege takes place in the confines of the Armstrong, one of the few remaining colonization ships carrying the last bastions of human civilization after a devastating attack on Earth from an unknown alien race.....

A demo has been released for Space Siege, an all-new sci-fi themed action-RPG.

Space Siege takes place in the confines of the Armstrong, one of the few remaining colonization ships carrying the last bastions of human civilization after a devastating attack on Earth from an unknown alien race. Players will take the role of Seth Walker, a cybernetics engineer suddenly thrust into a struggle to save humanity from extermination. As the adventure progresses Seth is offered opportunities to sacrifice pieces of his humanity for cybernetic upgrades that will assist him in his mission to preserve the human race.


Space Siege 関連動画


ゲーム名: Space Siege




ゲームタイトル: Space Siege

PCゲーム体験版 - Space Siege

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