Sword of the Stars Collector's Edition

3D ストラテジー
338.25 MB

Sword of the Stars Collector's Edition ダウンロード

This demo was taken from the gold master code, which is the very latest version of the game, and is representative of the Sword of the Stars universe as it is now.

Here's a demo for the recently launched 4X space strategy game, Sword of the Stars: Collector’s Edition. Released by leading Publisher Lighthouse Interactive and accomplished developer Kerberos Productions, this demo was taken from the gold master code, which is the very latest version of the game, and is representative of the Sword of the Stars universe as it is now.

n the official Add On "Born of Blood" fans will see an increase in diversity, tactical depth and replay-value of the original game. SotS:BoB will give players a variety of new weapons, technologies, ship sections, scenarios and menaces to further expand and extend their gameplay experience. SotS:BoB is an essential upgrade for anyone involved in the Sword of the Stars unviverse.

In honor of the recent launch of their critically acclaimed 4X space strategy game Sword of the Stars: Collector’s Edition, leading Publisher Lighthouse Interactive and accomplished developer Kerberos Productions, released a new demo today.


Demo Features:
Created from the gold master version of Sword of the Stars: Collector’s Edition, version 1.5.2
Play as Human, Liir or Tarkas races
Two maps (2D and 3D sphere)
Limited to 150 turns
Features just a few of the fun and devastating weapons in the full version of the game
Single player and multiplayer campaigns (against other 1.5.2 demo players) Leads up to the Cruiser/Fusion era
Tutorial video pack can be downloaded separately and installed into this new demo

Sword of the Stars: Collector’s Edition Includes:
The popular base game Sword of the Stars*
The highly acclaimed add-on Born of Blood*
The first ever Sword of the Stars paperback novel, The Deacon's Talewritten by renowned science fiction author Arinn Dembo (150+ pages)
A Bonus CD with stunning concept art, video interviews, trailers, music tracks, and extensive backgrounds on each of the five races
* Updated to version 1.5.2 featuring standalone server capabilities and the ability to create custom maps.

Sword of the Stars Collector's Edition 関連動画


ゲーム名: Sword of the Stars Collector's Edition




ゲームタイトル: Sword of the Stars Collector's Edition

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