![]() |
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ジャンル |
3D ストラテジー |
種類 |
体験版(デモ) |
料金 |
無料 |
サイズ |
752 MB |
更新日 |
2006-03-09 |
『Act of War: High Treason』デモでは、全34ミッションある中の9、10、11の3つのシングル・プレイヤー キャンペーン・ミッションをプレイできる。また、マルチプレイ・ゲーム(2~4プレイヤー)では、3つのマップでプレイできる。
Act of War: High Treason Demo (752 MB):ダウンロードページへ[3dgamer]
Act of War: High Treason Demo (752 MB):ダウンロードページへ[gamershell]
- Windows 2000/XP
- Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or AMD Athlon 1500+ or higher (Pentium 4 2.5 GHz or AMD
Athlon 2500+ recommended)
- 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)
- DirectX 9.0c compatible ATi Radeon 8500 or nVidia GeForce FX 5700 video card
or greater*
- DirectX 9.0c
- sound card, mouse, keyboard
- 3 GB free hard drive space
* Video cards that do not support shaders, such as GeForce 4 MX or Intel Extreme
Graphics Family, are not supported.
A Attack
M Move
S Stop
D Defend/Heal Zone/Repair Zone
T Land/Take Off
C Capture
U Unload immediately
V Unload on location
W Crawl/stand up
O Load
B Ambush
Z Attack area
To give an order to only the active units in a selection (the ones that have a
larger icon in the bottom of the HUD), press Ctrl while giving the order
To toggle between the active units inside a selection, press TAB
Example: you have ten units selected -- 5 Marines and 5 Javelins. You'll notice
at the bottom of the screen that the icons for the Marines are larger than for
the Javelins, and the Action Area shows the available actions of Marines. To
give an Attack order to the Marines only, without deselecting the Javelins,
press Crtl while right-clicking on the Marines' target. To give a different
attack order to the Javelins, without deselecting the Marines, press TAB, then
keep Ctrl while right-clicking on the Javelins' target.
O Set rallypoint
L Sell
X Open Undercover/Defcon 3/Battlefield Construction menu
C Open Revealed/Defcon 2/SHIELD Technology Construction menu
V Open Defcon 1/Drone Technology Construction menu
E Return to previous construction menu
TAB Rotate building footprint
F1 Launch Tactical Weapon
F2-F4 Launch airstrike
F5 Quicksave (Operation mode only)
F10 Quickload (Operation mode only)
' Chase camera on selected unit
Left-click on icon for airstrike in progress Aircraft chase camera
Right-click on icon for airstrike in progress Cancel airstrike
ESC Pause game
SPACEBAR Center camera on last "building complete", "upgrade complete" or
"unit construction complete" message
BACKSPACE Center camera on Headquarters
ENTER Open/send chat message to allies only
Shift-ENTER Open/send chat message to all players
= Center camera on idle construction unit
TAB Toggle unit type within selection
SHIFT Keep pressed to queue commands, or to add/subtract units to a
Alt-O Display objectives (single-player) or list of players (multiplayer)
Alt-A Toggle minimap between normal and aircraft mode
Alt-G Place flare on map (Note that in an Engagement game where you have
A.I.-controlled players on your side, these A.I. players will try and attack the
location where you place a flare.)
Alt-S Scatter selected group
PAUSE Tactical Pause (single-player only). Freezes game without opening
the pause menu, allowing you to give orders to your units)
HOME Shows health bars of all units and structures on screen while
LEFT MOUSE Execute command/select unit
Mouse wheel Zoom in/out
Cursor Move map
CTRL Keep pressed while left-clicking on a unit to select
all units on the screen of the same type (or double-click the unit)
SHIFT Keep pressed while left-clicking on a unit to add/subtract units to
a selection
CTRL-# Assign hotkey (number between 1 and 0) to selected unit(s), or a
building. Note that you can assign a unit to more than one group, in which
case the "group #" on the screen will be replaced by a "[#]" indication instead.
# Select hotkeyed group
## Center camera on hotkeyed group
CTRL-Mouse wheel Fast scroll
Alt-F Select all fighting units on map
CTRL-F## (F1-F4) Save camera position
Alt-F## Recall camera position
Numpad 0 Select Jefferson
Numpad . Select Oz
このページで、無料でプレイできるPCゲームの体験版(Act of War: High Treason)を紹介しています