![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
ジャンル |
3D ストラテジー |
種類 |
体験版(デモ) |
料金 |
無料 |
サイズ |
742 MB |
更新日 |
2006-01-19 |
Star Wars Empire at War Demo (742 MB):ダウンロードページへ[3dgamer]
Star Wars Empire at War Demo (742 MB):ダウンロードページへ[worthplaying]
Star Wars Empire at War Demo (742 MB):ダウンロード&記事ページへ[4gamer]
Minimum System Requirements
Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer
Required: Intel Pentium 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz
Recommended: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2.0 GHz
Required: 256 MB RAM
Recommended: 512 MB RAM
Graphics Card
Required: 32 MB 3D Graphics card with Hardware Transform and
Lighting (T&L) Capability
Recommended: 64 MB 3D Graphics card with Hardware Vertex and
Pixel Shader (VS/PS) Capability
Sound Card
Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible PCI, USB, or Onboard
Audio Device
Required: DVD-ROM drive
Recommended: 4X Speed DVD-ROM drive
Input Device
Required: Keyboard and mouse
Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (August 2005) is included on this CD.
You will be prompted to install DirectX during the installation
of this game if this or a more recent version isn't already
properly installed on your system.
NOTE: DirectX may require the "latest" updates for your
operating system. This may also include the latest drivers for
your motherboard, sound, and video hardware.
Game Control Issues
Empire At War Keyboard Commands
Select Group 1 1
Select Group 2 2
Select Group 3 3
Select Group 4 4
Select Group 5 5
Select Group 6 6
Select Group 7 7
Select Group 8 8
Select Group 9 9
Select Group 0 0
Select All Ctrl + A
Select Like Ctrl + Q
Next Unit F
Previous Unit D
Guard G
Attack A
Stop S
Move M
Waypoint W
Retreat E
Reinforce R
Place Beacon B
Super Weapon Ctrl + W
Force Crush Ctrl + C
Force Push Ctrl + F
Force Lighting Ctrl + L
Force Corrupt Ctrl + R
Force Heal H
Force Protect Ctrl + P
Deploy/Undeploy Ctrl + D
Take Cover Ctrl + Z
Flame Thrower Ctrl + T
Jetpack Ctrl + J
Capture Vehicle Ctrl + V
Exit Vehicle Ctrl + E
Thermal Detonator K
Drop Thermal Detonator Ctrl + K
EMP Burst Ctrl + S
Rocket Weapon Ctrl + G
Cable Attack Q
Sensor Ping Ctrl + O
Control Turret Ctrl + Y
Repair Vehicle Ctrl + U
Boost Weapon Power Ctrl + B
Self Destruct Ctrl + X
Deploy Stormtroopers Ctrl + H
Maximum Firepower Ctrl + M
Sprint Ctrl + N
Boost Shield Power Shift + O
Weaken Enemy Shift + K
Gravity Well Generator Shift + G
Barrage Area Shift + B
Hunt For Enemies Shift + H
Boost Engine Power Shift + E
Lure Enemy Fighters Shift + L
Missile Jamming Field Shift + M
Lock S-Foils Shift + W
Tractor Beam Shift + T
Proton Beam Shift + P
Call For Wingmen Shift + C
Lucky Shot Shift + S
Redirect All Firepower Shift + R
Ion Cannon Shot Shift + I
Seismic Charge Shift + X
Invulnerablility Shift + Z
Destroy Planet Shift + D
Toggle Droid Advisor Subtract
Initiate Chat Enter
Scroll Up Up
Scroll Down Down
Scroll Left Left
Scroll Right Right
Reset Camera End
Camera Center Page Up
Camera Home Home
Tactical Overview Insert
Camera Tether Scrlk
Movie Mode Space
Cinematic Camera Mode C
Screen Shot F12
Quick Save F6
Quick Load F5
Mission Holocron Tab
Planetary Information Caps Lock
Taunt One Numpad 1
Taunt Two Numpad 2
Taunt Three Numpad 3
Toggle Interface I
Toggle Player List P
このページで、無料でプレイできるPCゲームの体験版(スター・ウォーズ エンパイア・アット・ウォー(Star Wars Empire at War))を紹介しています