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ジャンル |
3D アクション |
種類 |
体験版(デモ) |
料金 |
無料 |
サイズ |
478 MB |
更新日 |
2006-01-05 |
The Stalin Subway Demo (478 MB):ダウンロードページへ[3ddownload]
The Stalin Subway Demo (478 MB):ダウンロードページへ[3dgamer]
The Stalin Subway Demo (478 MB):ダウンロードページへ[filefront]
The Stalin Subway Demo (478 MB):ダウンロードページへ[Gameguru Mania ]
The Stalin Subway Demo (478 MB):ダウンロードページへ[gamershell]
The Stalin Subway Demo (478 MB):ダウンロードページへ[vgpro]
The Stalin Subway Demo (478 MB):ダウンロードページへ[worthplaying]
The Stalin Subway Demo (478 MB):ダウンロード&記事ページへ[4gamer]
System requirements
■ Minimum system requirements
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2000 MHz / AMD AthlonD 2000+;
RAM: 256 MB
Video display card: Direct3D 9.0-compatible video card with 64 Mb of video memory GeForceFX 4200 / Radeon 9600
Controllers: keyboard, mouse;
Sound card: DirectX 9-compatible
Free space on hard disk: 4 Gb;
Operating system: Windows 2000,XP;
DirectX 9.0c and higher
■ Optimal system requirements
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3000 MHz / AMD Athlon 64 3000+;
RAM: 1024 Mb
Video display card: Direct3D 9.0-compatible video card with 128 Mb of video memory. GeForce 6800/ Radeon X800;
Controllers: keyboard, mouse;
Sound card: DirectX 9-compatible
Free space on hard disk: 4 Gb;
Operating system: Windows XP;
DirectX 9.0c and higher
It is not advised to switch between the running applications during the playing.
It can cause game crush and system instability.
Movement - setting the movement parameter keys (the default parameters are given in the brackets).
Forward (W) to walk forward
Backward (S) to walk backward
Strafe left (A) to run sidelong to the left
Strafe right (D) to run sidelong to the right
Duck (Left Ctrl) to duck
Jump (Space) to jump
Mouse sensitivity - a slider to adjust mouse sensitivity in the game.
Mouse inversion - a check box to change turning direction and the viewing line tilt in the game.
Weapons - sets the weapon operation keys.
Fire (LMB) to fire, attack with a infighting weapon
Alternative fire (RMB) to attack with an additional firing type.
Reload (R) to reload weapon.
Weapon group (1-8) to select from a corresponding weapon group
Miscellaneous- to set up the additional commands. Default settings are shown in brackets.
Use/Press (E) to use an external object
Screenshot (Ins) to save a screenshot (the screenshots are saved in the sshoots folder in the game root directory)
Fast save (F5) to save fast the current game
Fast load (F9) to load the latest fast save
Next weapon (Mouse Scroll Down) to select the next weapon in the list
Previous weapon (Mouse Scroll Up) to select the previous weapon in the list
Task list (Tab) to see the task list panel
このページで、無料でプレイできるPCゲームの体験版(The Stalin Subway)を紹介しています