Luckless Seven

RPG ストラテジー カード
297.5 MB

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プレイヤーはマーク、両親が難民として国に来た若いArithianの制御がかかります。マークは、世界Ekosiツアーに参加するArithiaの都市を通過します。 Ekosiはギャンブル、娯楽目的の両方のために再生され、広く一般にカードゲームです。 ArithiaのEkosi大会は、世界中から選手を描く大規模なイベントです。有望選手が世界大会のために修飾するために全国のカジノで競います。印象的な賞金プールはマークが大会に参加した理由はありませんが、彼は彼の旅が進むにつれてトーナメントに勝つための新しい動機を発見するために開始します。



Luckless Seven

Luckless Seven is a fantasy card game RPG. The game takes place in the country of Arithia, a developed nation surrounded by politically unstable regions. Despite the high standard of living and stability of their government, many Arithians are xenophobic due to their historically homogenous society. With the influx of refugees over the past two decades along with a shifting political and economic atmosphere, the people of Arithia are becoming more desperate to preserve their view of Arithian culture.

Players will take control of Mark, a young Arithian whose parents came to the country as refugees. Mark will travel through the cities of Arithia to participate in the World Ekosi Tour. Ekosi is a widely popularly card game that is played for both gambling and recreational purposes. Arithia's Ekosi tournament is a massive event that draws players from around the world. Hopeful players compete at casinos across the nation in order to qualify for the World Finals. Although the impressive prize pool is not the reason Mark participates in the tournament, he begins to discover new motivations for winning the tournament as his journey progresses.

Mark will travel with a party consisting of his childhood friends and acquaintances. Each person in the party will have fully developed character arcs and make a significant impact on how the story progresses. Players will be able to develop Mark's personality and worldview through dialogue choices and actions. Certain decisions will open up new dialogue choices while preventing others from being chosen.

With Luckless Seven, we hope to take character development and progression in another direction. The game will have two primary leveling systems: collecting more powerful cards that boost your capabilities in battle and increasing your social development by interacting with other characters in the game. Please join us on our journey as we attempt to create a rich and fulfilling role playing experience!

Luckless Seven

Luckless Seven 関連動画


ゲーム名: Luckless Seven




ゲームタイトル: Luckless Seven

PCゲーム体験版 - Luckless Seven

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