Battle of the Sands

2D ストラテジー
61.5 MB

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 ないあなたの平均的なRTS:各ミッションを慎重に挑戦するように設計されています。ゲームを通して風に期待しないでください。 12のキャンペーンミッションと13のスタンドアロンのマップがあります。




Battle of the Sands:公式サイト

The future. Fossil fuels have been completely exhausted on Earth. Yet they remain essential for numerous human activities. Fortunately, vast resource deposits have been discovered on a desert planet in a colonised system. Six mega corporations are vying for control of these resources.

As Director of Production of one of the six companies, it is your duty to repel the enemy factions and ascertain your monopoly. Should you be successful in this endeavour, you will be in an excellent position to claim the Megacorp Vice Presidency. Should you fail, your career will end abruptly, with consequences so disastrous they do not bear thinking about...


2D real-time combat similar to that found in the old game Dune 2000. Not all combat situations require you to destroy the enemy. In some missions, you must defend yourself a certain amount of time.

Not your average RTS: Each mission has been carefully designed to be challenging. Do not expect to breeze through the game. There are 12 campaign missions and 13 stand-alone maps.

Big picture engine: Rather than a set of tiles, each map that comes with the game uses as a backdrop a beautiful big picture drawn by the game's artist.

User-friendly interface. Tell the computer to start producing tanks and it will not stop until you tell it to. The interface warns you if your next building would create a power shortage. Single left click to tell a group of units to assemble and move in formation to the clicked destination. Right click and drag to scroll the map easily.

A well-developed artificial intelligence. The enemy factions do not attack recklessly with a small group of units. Allied factions coordinate th

Battle of the Sands:公式サイト

Battle of the Sands 関連動画


ゲーム名: Battle of the Sands




ゲームタイトル: Battle of the Sands

PCゲーム体験版 - Battle of the Sands

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