The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav

3D アドベンチャー
4745.8 MB

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プレイヤーは、若いジェロンの役割を担うとAndergast、Aventuriaの北西に戻って水レルムの王国を一掃することを脅かす謎の陰謀に巻き込まれる。 Andergastでは、キングEfferdanと彼の悪名高い迷信容疑者は、高位高官から状態をお待ちしております。何世紀にもわたって王国は近隣Nostriaと対立してきたが、今の最初のステップは、恒久平和に向けて実施されています。しかし、鳥のカラスのトラブル王の疫病があっても人間を攻撃する、異常な攻撃性と演技されています。また、カラスがそれらに暗い悪夢をもたらしていることを誓うAndergastの市民の間でそれらがあります。好戦的な生き物でも城自体を浸透させるように、王は熟練した鳥のキャッチャーを求めて - 子供の頃は、不当であるので不運のために評判は彼の後を追っていることをことを証明するために若いジェロンのための機会を。ただし、タスクは、彼が期待しAventuriaとそれ以降のチャートの土地の境界に彼を取る彼の人生最大の冒険のパス上に彼をリードよりもはるかに困難になる。


Daedalic Entertainment takes you to the popular fantasy world of The Dark Eye. In The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, players experience a brand new point & click adventure from the makers of The Whispered World and A New Beginning, set in the fantastic world of Aventuria.

Players take on the role of young Geron and get caught up in a mysterious plot that threatens to wipe out the kingdom of Andergast, a back-water realm in the northwest of Aventuria. In Andergast, King Efferdan and his notoriously superstitious suspects await a state visit from high-ranking dignitaries. For centuries the kingdom has been at odds with neighboring Nostria, but now first steps are being undertaken toward a lasting peace. But a plague of crows troubles the king, for the birds are acting with unusual aggressiveness, even attacking humans. Moreover, there are those among the citizens of Andergast who swear that the crows are bringing them dark nightmares. As the belligerent creatures infiltrate even the castle itself, the king seeks a skilled bird catcher - an opportunity for young Geron to prove that the reputation for ill luck that has followed him since childhood is undeserved. However, the task prove much more difficult than he expects and leads him on the path of the greatest adventure of his life that will take him to the borders of the charted lands of Aventuria and beyond.

Hand-drawn locations in dazzlingly detailed HD, challenging puzzles, an engaging storyline and lovingly animated characters await adventure fans in this classic point & click adventure game.



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