Scania Truck Driving Simulator

3D アクション シミュレーション カー
536 MB

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あなたがライセンスを得るために努力するように実技試験として10個のトラック工作の課題に究極のテストにあなたのドライビングスキルを入れてください。運転席にしっかりとあなたを置く現実的な環境では、複雑に設計されたコースやタスクを完了します。あなたは、トレーラーを逆にしながら障害物を避けることができますか?あなたは、複雑な障害物コースを通してあなたの方法を見つけるために必要な水平思考を持っていますか?あなたは、高精度で駐車できますか?スカニアドライバーコンペティションイベントの仮想再作成 - あなたは基本を習得し、ライセンスを得ていたら、若いヨーロッパのトラックドライバーの競争に触発されダースの分野に参加するように最善の対抗。センチメートルの精度でトラックをナビゲートするためにトリックを学ぶ!



スカニアは、VIPゲストにその車を披露非常に場所 - Scania社の独自のデモ·センターへの仮想訪問のためのユニークな機会とスカニアトラック世界をリードする方法の詳細を学ぶ機会を持っていこう!



Scania Truck Driving Simulator : 公式サイト

Get behind the wheel of one of the most iconic trucks on the road with this highly detailed Scania R-series simulation. Simulation reality is pushed to the extreme, in this unique mix of video game and simulation, designed to have mass appeal to anyone who loves trucking!

The simulation features a beautifully 3D rendered truck, complete with highly detailed dashboard, instruments and exceptional physics that bring the simulation to life.

Put your driving skills to the ultimate test with 10 individual truck maneuvering challenges that serve as a practical exam as you strive to gain your licence. Complete intricately designed courses and tasks, in realistic environments that put you firmly into the driver's seat. Can you avoid obstacles whilst reversing a trailer? Do you have the lateral thinking required to find your way through a complex obstacle track? Can you park with precision? Once you have mastered the basics and gained your licence, compete against the best as you take part in a dozen disciplines inspired by the Young European Truck Driver competition - the virtual re-creation of Scania Driver Competition events. Learn the tricks to navigate your truck with centimetre precision!

If that is not enough, experience the drive of your life, with a series of ten ultimate challenges that put man and machine to the test. From mountain roads, to bad weather, to blocked routes, you will need to work in perfect harmony with your Scania truck to reach your destination safely.

Drive through in a series of freeform missions, that has you delivering the goods around a huge, intricately detailed 3D city. Pick the loads that appeal to you as you ferry freight with complete freedom!

Take the opportunity to learn more about the world leading Scania trucks with a unique opportunity for a virtual visit to Scania's own Demo Centre - the very place where Scania shows off its vehicles to VIP guests!

Full Internet connectivity allows you upload your high scores and download the best result charts to see how you rank against the experts. Study the techniques used by the masters in downloadable re-plays that both teach and inspire virtual Scania drivers!

When you want to take a short break from the wheel, what better than a visit to the virtual gallery. A must-have for any Scania truck fan: feast your eyes on a vast gallery of Scania vehicles photos and videos. Check out highlights from previous seasons Young European Truck Driver competition to whet your appetite as you strive to match the performances of the true masters of trucking.

Scania Truck Driving Simulator : 公式サイト

Scania Truck Driving Simulator 関連動画


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