ジャンル |
3D FPS シューティング |
種類 |
体験版(デモ) |
料金 |
無料 |
サイズ |
2508.8 MB |
更新日 |
2009-07-02 |
[Official Site]:ダウンロードページへ
The eagerly anticipated demo for the sandbox PC military shooter smash hit of 2009, ARMA II, is released and available for all who want to visit the republic of Chernarus and enjoy all of the fantastic features of this monumental war simulator. Do you want to fight eye to eye with enemies on the lush, open battlefield, do you want to take advantage by strafing enemy position in aircraft, do you want to crush enemy lines in a tank? Then download the demo and get a taste of what it takes to be a soldier in a modern warfare conflict!
Bohemia Interactive Studioが開発した現代戦ミリタリーFPS,「ArmA II」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。シリーズ第二弾となる本作では,広大なマップを舞台に,リアリティにやたらとこだわった過酷な現代戦が繰り広げられる。ファイルサイズはいささか大きめだが,一瞬の油断が命取りになる緊張感の高い戦いが満喫できるデモ版だ。
ArmA 2 is set in the near future, year 2009, in a fictional post soviet country called Chernarus. Players will be sent as members of a United States Marine Corps Force Recon squad to this country to prevent further civilian casualties and ensure ongoing stability there.
このページで、無料でプレイできるPCゲームの体験版(ARMA II)を紹介しています