
シューティングゲーム (全131件)

101-110 件目

Mass Effect 2 【シューティング】

Mass Effect 2:PCシューティング[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ
 海外のゲームファンから高い評価を獲得しているSFアクションRPG「Mass Effect 2」のデモ版を,4GamerにUpした。凶暴なエイリアンとの戦いに勝利したシェパード少佐となり,再び熾烈なサバイバルに挑むという本作。海外では2010年1月に発売済みだが,どんなゲームか気になるという人は,このデモ版でゲームに触れてみよう。

BioWare released this PC demo of Mass Effect 2, their sci-fi RPG sequel. Designed to help introduce the rich Mass Effect fiction to all-new players, the demo features the first two mi......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-07-01

Angels Fall First: Planetstorm 【シューティング】

Angels Fall First: Planetstorm:PCシューティング[Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's the Unreal Development Kit showcase demo for Planetstorm, a multiplayer scifi war game fought both in space and on the ground, and featuring large detailed environments and a beautiful arsenal of innovative millitary hardware.

Planetstorm is a multiplayer scifi war game fought both in space and on the ground, featuring large detailed env......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-05-26

サンダーストーム 【シューティング】



更新日: 2010-04-30

HyperTankz 【シューティング】

HyperTankz:PCシューティングHyperTankz consists of three general play themes, VALLEY, ICE & DESERT, and each
of these themes has five arenas to play (four in each need to be unlocked) as well as a
five part campaign level called The Bunker, that you must play from start to finish in one session to complete.

HyperTankz Demo for PC




更新日: 2010-04-23

Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter 【シューティング】

Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter:PCシューティング[Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
In the mood for a little Last Starfighter style action? Then climb into the turret of a spaceship with this 30-minute demo for Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter, a 3d space rail shooter.


In this space shooter the player is in a role of a..


[Official Site]:ダウンロードページへ...詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-04-23

SAS: Secure Tomorrow 【シューティング】

SAS: Secure Tomorrow:PCシューティングA perfectly organized terrorist group has rescued their leader from a high security prison. Now, SAS steps in. At the time, nobody expected the situation would get so much out of hand.

Join the elite military formation and support them in the fight against terrorism. Perfect training and cutting-edge equipment give you advantage over any enemy.

Here's the playable......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2010-01-07

Kino One 【シューティング】

Kino One:PCシューティング[Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ
Here's a playable demo of Kino One, the game that merges classic 70's anime style and 80's arcade play.

This demo lets you try out Kino One, the upcoming game featuring five homages to classic arcade gmaes of the 1980's.

This demo lets you try out Kino One, the upcoming game featuring five homages to classic arcade gm......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2009-12-21

機装猟兵ガンハウンド (GUNHOUND) 【シューティング】

機装猟兵ガンハウンド (GUNHOUND):PCシューティング[4gamer]:ダウンロードページへ

更新日: 2009-12-04

Insectoid 【シューティング】

Insectoid:PCシューティングInsectoid is for anyone who grew up playing classic arcade shooters such as Galaga in the 80's. Featuring fast-paced, adrenaline-inducing gameplay, over 50 unique levels, four custom ships, stunning high-res graphics that look great even on a 30" display, and a professional musical score, Insectoid is a retro shooter fan's dream come true.

[Official Site]:ダウンロードページへ...詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2009-11-20

Wolfenstein 【シューティング】

Set within a near-fictional, historical WWII setting, players take on the role of the heroic OSA agent BJ Blazkowicz as they are thrust into the unknown and unexpected to battle against combat troops, otherworldly forces, and the dark science created by a supernatural Nazi force hell-bent on world domination.

within a near-fictional, histo......詳細は、こちら
更新日: 2009-10-15

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