![]() Clastle is a platform/puzzle/exploration game. Game play revolves around working your way through and around various confrontations (traps, enemy soldiers, etc). Evasive maneuvers will be necessary to get through each level. Z-Axis movement will also be necessary to get through levels. The Underworl... [Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ Game play revolves around working your way ......詳細は、こちら |
![]() Storm over the Pacific is a game that takes place during 1937-1945. It depicts the conflict between the Japanese Empire, the USA and other allies during World War II. Choose from around 30 available countries with their precise army structure. You can concentrate on controlling one country or govern a few to feel like a leader of the whole alliance or to fight with yourse......詳細は、こちら |
![]() Mirage is a demo developed by eight students as an assignment at Futuregames Academy in Stockholm, Sweden. [Fileshack]:ダウンロードページへ In Mirage the player is tasked to control a swarm of glass through a hazardous and mysterious world. The goal of this journey is to try and piece together a mirror which has shattered. This in turn will hopefully return the world to its nor......詳細は、こちら |
![]() >>>>> PC >>>>> [Atomicgamer]:ダウンロードページへ Here's the unlockable playable demo of Eschalon: Book II, the sequel to 2007's hit independent role-playing game, Eschalon: Book I. [ComputerGames.ro]:ダウンロードページへ a Eschalon: Book II is the sequel to 2007’s award winning RPG Eschalon: Book I, although no previous experience is needed to play and enjoy Book II. [......詳細は、こちら |
![]() After start the game will automatically create 6 player profiles to choose from. They are identical, so you might want to stick to default. Click "Start Game" menu option for new game campaign or "Continue" to go on from last saved point. Read briefings before missions. Shoot everything that attack you and collect everything that may come in handy. Do......詳細は、こちら |
![]() ロシアのAkellaが開発した,ターンベースのストラテジー,「Disciples III: Renaissance」のデモ版が公開されたので,4GamerにUpした。Heroes of Might & Magicシリーズを思わせるゲームシステムが魅力的なシリーズ最新作となる本作。世界の果てに落ちた,巨大な星の謎を追って,マップを探索しよう。 The struggle between the gods endures since still, showing no respite even since the times of creation of Nevendaar. Ruling over the fate of mere mortals their disciples, eager to follow their deities’ b......詳細は、こちら |
![]() The Prince of Darkness has vanished and the Infernal Throne sits empty. A conclave of the Powers and Potentates of Hell will be summoned to Pandemonium to select the next ruler of The Infernal Pit. Do you have what it takes to claim the throne and rule Hell? [Official Site]へ...詳細は、こちら |
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![]() 斜め見下ろし型シューティング,「Alien Shooter 2: Conscription」のデモ版を4GamerにUpした。とある軍事基地を襲ったモンスターの群れ。一人生き残ったプレイヤーが,脱出するために必死に戦うというものだ。難しいことはとくに考える必要はなく,出てくる敵をひたすら撃ちまくる,爽快感優先の一本に仕上がっている。 ------------------------------------------- Alien Shooter Conscription is the continuation of cult Alien Shooter 2, which is a unique blend of two game genres- Action and RPG. The Great War has begun! Th......詳細は、こちら |